Using Fluent Assertions we can assert that two collections are equal (in terms of property values) using something like:
Assuming list1
and list2
are contain the same objects in any order
, the assertion will be true.
If we want to assert the lists are in the exact order we can do something like this:
list1.ShouldBeEquivalentTo(list2, o => o.WithStrictOrdering());
I'm looking for something that assert false if the list contian the same objets in the wrong order
but I can't find any.
What is the best way using Fluent Assertions?
PS - it a kind of academic curiosity, It might not even be that useful in reality :)
EDIT: Now that I understand what davy is asking for (see comment below) I updated my code to this solution. Although the syntax is similar, it is not a FluentAssertion extension, but with some manipulation it could be.
public static class IEnumerableAssertionExtensions
public static void ShouldContainInWrongOrder<TSubject>(this IEnumerable<TSubject> source, IEnumerable<TSubject> expected)
var remaining = expected.ToList();
var inOrder = true;
foreach (var subject in source)
if (inOrder && !ReferenceEquals(subject, remaining[0]))
inOrder = false;
var s = subject;
Execute.Verification.ForCondition(() => remaining.Remove(s)).FailWith("Expected item in the collection: {0}", subject.ToString());
Execute.Verification.ForCondition(() => remaining.Count == 0).FailWith(string.Format("{0} more item{1} than expected found in the list.", remaining.Count, ((remaining.Count == 1) ? string.Empty : "s")));
Execute.Verification.ForCondition(() => !inOrder).FailWith("list items are ordered identically");
public class TestFoo
class Thing
public int i;
public void MyMethod()
var a1 = new Thing { i=0 };
var a2 = new Thing { i=1 };
var a3 = new Thing { i=2 };
var a4 = new Thing { i=2 };
var list1 = new List<Thing> { a1, a2, a3 };
var list2 = new List<Thing> { a1, a2, a3 };
var list3 = new List<Thing> { a3, a2, a1 };
var list4 = new List<Thing> { a1, a2, a3, a4 };
var list5 = new List<Thing> { a3, a2 };
list1.ShouldContainInWrongOrder(list3); // Succeeds
list1.ShouldContainInWrongOrder(list2); // Fails
list1.ShouldContainInWrongOrder(list4); // Fails
list1.ShouldContainInWrongOrder(list5); // Fails