Is there a standard or easy way to add a click event/ handler to the header of the GXT FramedPanel?
I want to forward the click event to the expand/ collapse method of the FramedPanel, so the user has not to click explicitly on the small button of the header but rather can use the whole header.
Thank you :)
I've solved the problem like that:
FramedPanel randomFramedPanel = ...;
XElement headerElement = randomFramedPanel.getHeader().getElement();
Event.sinkEvents(headerElement, Event.ONCLICK);
Event.setEventListener(headerElement, new EventListener() {
public void onBrowserEvent( event) {
if (Event.ONCLICK == event.getTypeInt()) {
// Do something...
Remember that the panel has to be attached to the dom to sink events, so eventually you have to check that, too.
If you know a smarter solution, let me know :)