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Trim end off of string in swift, getting error at runtime

I'm making a calculator app in Swift, once my answer is obtained I want to display it in a UILabel. Only problem is I want to limit said answer to 8 characters. Here is my code:

let answerString = "\(answer)"
    calculatorDisplay.text = answerString.substringToIndex(advance(answerString.startIndex, 8))

This does not return any compiler errors but at runtime I get:

fatal error: can not increment endIndex

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.


  • There are two different advance() functions:

    /// Return the result of advancing `start` by `n` positions. ...
    func advance<T : ForwardIndexType>(start: T, n: T.Distance) -> T
    /// Return the result of advancing start by `n` positions, or until it
    /// equals `end`. ...
    func advance<T : ForwardIndexType>(start: T, n: T.Distance, end: T) -> T

    Using the second one you can ensure that the result is within the valid bounds of the string:

    let truncatedText = answerString.substringToIndex(advance(answerString.startIndex, 8, answerString.endIndex))

    Update for Swift 2/Xcode 7:

    let truncatedText = answerString.substringToIndex(answerString.startIndex.advancedBy(8, limit: answerString.endIndex))

    But a simpler solution is

    let truncatedText = String(answerString.characters.prefix(8))

    Update for Swift 3/Xcode 8 beta 6: As of Swift 3, "collections move their index", the corresponding code is now

    let to = answerString.index(answerString.startIndex,
                                offsetBy: 8,
                                limitedBy: answerString.endIndex)
    let truncatedText = answerString.substring(to: to ?? answerString.endIndex)

    The simpler solution

    let truncatedText = String(answerString.characters.prefix(8))

    still works.