So I need to compute events using esper with event time not the esper engine time.So first i have disable esper engine time and do the configuration.
esperServiceProvider = EPServiceProviderManager.getProvider("esperEventEngine", esperConfig);
And then using this esper EQL i want to trigger event.In my event i have field called private Date eventDateTime;
The this is the EQL
select * from,20 sec)
But it gives this exception.
com.espertech.esper.view.ViewParameterException: Externally-timed view requires a timestamp expression and a numeric or time period parameter for window size
Have any one faced this problem. Thanks Sajith
When providing time to Esper using external timing, typically people use the time window (win:time). The ext_timed is then typically not used because time is already externally provided. I think ext_timed takes a long-value and not a Date.