I have a question regarding implementation details of Dictionary
Assume the following code:
private IDictionary<Int64, Int32> _data = new Dictionary<Int64, Int32>();
private void Foo()
Int64[] keys = _data.Keys.ToArray<Int64>();
Int32[] vals = _data.Values.ToArray<Int32>();
// Further code goes here
May I assume at this point, that
_dict[keys[i]] == vals[i]
for each i in [0 .. _data.Length-1]
, or might the order of both arrays be unrelated?
Why not just do this?
private void Foo()
Int64[] keys = _data.Keys.ToArray<Int64>();
Int32[] vals = _data.Keys.Select(k => _data[k]).ToArray<Int32>();
// Further code goes here
It's still O(n) time and it won't break if .NET changes in the future.