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Remove Environment.Newline from TextBlock but not from DataSource

I am creating a WPF screen (using MVVM pattern) which displays log entries in a ListView in TextBlock, including exception details.

    ListViewBehaviors:LayoutColumn.IsHidden="{Binding ExceptionDataIsHidden}"
    DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding ExceptionData, Mode=OneWay}"
    Header="Exception Data"/>

Due to the way data is logged, exception strings include numerous carriage returns / line breaks. Example:

System.BigBadException: Stuff blew up -> Some file location 
  at SomeMethodCallAtTheTopLevel: line 1234
  at SomeMethodCallAtTheNextLevel: line 123
  at SomeMethodCallAtAnotherLevel: line 12
  at SomeMethodCallOnBottomLevel: line 1

Some exceptions can be quite large. This becomes a problem when displaying entries as rows in my ListView. Instead of nicely displaying each entry on one line, the Environment.Newline characters force each row to be multiline, thereby causing the user a lot more scrolling when looking through row entries.

I realize one simple solution is to remove the line breaks manually as such:

foreach (LogEntry entry in allEntries)
  entry.ExceptionData = entry.ExceptionData.Replace(Environment.NewLine, ""); 


I want the text to display in the GridViewColumn cells as if all Newline have been removed. However, I want to preserve these line breaks in the data. The user has the ability to right-click a cell and copy it's value to the clipboard. When pasting into a file (say Notepad), I want the line breaks present to make the formatting easier to read.

Is there a way to ignore line breaks in xaml or by other means? Or do I want to eat my cake and have it too?


  • My solution for now is along the lines of the discussion with K_Ram. However, I didn't want to add another property to my ViewModel. Also, I wanted a general solution that could work for future projects as well. Therefore I went with creating a simplified converter class.

    public class RemoveNewLineConverter : IValueConverter
      public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        var val = value as string ?? string.Empty;
        return val.Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty);
      public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException("Method not implemented");

    Then, usage in xaml is simply:

            <Converters:RemoveNewLineConverter x:Key="NoNewline"/>
        ListViewBehaviors:LayoutColumn.IsHidden="{Binding ExceptionDataIsHidden}"
        DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding ExceptionData, Mode=OneWay, Converter={StaticResource NoNewline}}"
        Header="Exception Data"/>