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Byteman JUnit Runner - impossible to trigger IOException on auto-closed InputStream#close

I have got the following code:

Collection<String> errors = ...;
try (InputStream stream = My.class.getResourceAsStream(resource)) {
   // do stuff
catch(IOException ex) {

I'm trying with Byteman Junit Runner to trigger an IOException when the (valid) input stream I give is supposedly closed:

public class MyTest {

    private My my = new My();

       name = "force_read_error",
       targetClass = "",
       targetMethod = "close()",
       action = "throw new IOException(\"bazinga\")"
    public void catches_read_error() throws IOException {
       Collection<String> errors ="/valid-resource-in-classpath");


My test fails: errors is always empty, which means the Byteman rule obviously isn't executed (it's well loaded by the agent, so I don't understand what's going on).

How can I trigger an IOException on close method called via try-with-resources?


  • Your rule ist not firing, because the class of the stream object received when calling

    InputStream stream = My.class.getResourceAsStream(resource)

    is not a "" class. It is a class extending "", most likely a "BufferedInputStream".

    To tell byteman to "trigger rule for any class extending", you need to put a '^' before the class name:

    targetClass = "^"

    This change might have the unwanted side effect, that the rule gets triggered also when other objects extending "" get closed. To prevent this from happening, a condition should be added to the rule to only get triggered, when the caller matches the "foo" method of the "My" class. Byteman has a helper method for that called "callerMatches" (Please see also the advanced tutorial)

    A working condition for your case would be:

    condition = "callerMatches(\"\",true,true)"

    The complete Byteman rule definition as BMRule annotation should look like:

        name = "force_read_error",
        targetClass = "^",
        targetMethod = "close()",
        condition = "callerMatches(\"\",true,true)",
        action = "throw new\"bazinga\")"