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Handle Android Back Button on Phonegap InAppBrowser

I would like to disable or override the Android Back button while I am navigating pages on the InAppBrowser. Can I add an event listener that can handle that?

EDIT: Looking at the answer by @T_D below the solutions provided are the closest I could get to. It does not seem to be possible to override the button in InAppBrowser as all the PhoneGap tweaks stop working while navigating pages on this plugin. I was not able to find any other solution rather than modifying the API library. If there are any PhoneGap guys here and know something more, I 'll be glad to get some comment. Thanks.

The closest I got:

var ref ='', '_blank', 'location=yes');
ref.addEventListener("backbutton", function () { })


  • According to the documentation the behaviour of the hardware back button can be configured now for the InAppBrowser:

    hardwareback: set to yes to use the hardware back button to navigate backwards through the InAppBrowser's history. If there is no previous page, the InAppBrowser will close. The default value is yes, so you must set it to no if you want the back button to simply close the InAppBrowser.

    Thanks to Kris Erickson.

    So just update your InAppBrowser plugin if the backward navigation is the desired behaviour.

    For more details see: