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Helm chooses unreadable highlight colors in solarized-dark

I'm experimenting with helm, after using icicles for a long time.

I used the popular solarized-dark colour scheme by default most of the time, and helm seems to be choosing particularly unreadable colors:

bad sol-dark colours in helm can I advise helm to select more useful colors? Hopefully so it works well when I switch to solarized-light as well.


  • When I first tried the solarized theme, I had a similar problem with helm menus as shown above. The highlighting on diff and magit were even worse.

    enter image description here

    I started to try to fix this myself but I eventually realized that there are at least three different versions of the solarized theme currently in MELPA. The one called solarized-theme is the one you want. The helm selection bar is very subtle and underlined, like below.

    enter image description here