Usually we use windows/linux machines to pull logcat info from an android device. Is it possible to use android tablet/phone to act as host and get the logs from another android phone connected to it?
This is possible. The host Android device needs to be defined as a USB host. Then, once a connection is established, all of the same commands can be run, assuming that ADB is installed on the host device.
See here for more discussion on USB Host Mode support and compatible cables:
It is useful to have a terminal program, such as Terminal IDE to issue commands from, and using busybox to provide additional commands would also be beneficial.
ADB comes as part of the AOSP source, so it a device is based off AOSP, then it will possibly include ADB. ADB source is located in /system/core/adb in the AOSP source tree.
Here is an example of a session where a Nitrogen6X (host) running a custom AOSP is used to connect to a Galaxy S3 cellphone (client). Note the use of Busybox and ADB, both of which are installed on the host. Busybox also happens to be installed on the client, but this is not necessary:
Thus in order to pull logs, just use regular ADB commands (e.g. to copy files), or run logcat, as indicated below: