We are using Java webstart in our project, Since the UI has more data to handle, we want the system (client system where java webstart would start) memory to be increased to 4 GB through JVM args
We have this below setting in JNLP file.
<java max-heap-size="1363148800" java-vm-args="-D64 -Xrs -Xmx1300M -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=20 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=10 - version="1.6+"/>
When we increased the heapsize from 1300 M to 4GB, still the Java webstart is allocating only 1300 M
When i browsed on this, I got to know that Java web start will use only 32 bit JRE and will not support 64 JRE (even if we specify -D64 parameter)
How to over come this ? How to allocate 4GB memory to Java webstart ?
If you have Java 64bit installed then double-clicking on your jnlp file should open the 64bit version (running it from browser may use 32-bit so don't do that for now). So try this and if double-clicking on .jnlp file did not start 64bit java then there is a problem with your java installation so try uninstalling all your Java versions and then install them again fresh.
As for allocating 4G memory try this:
<java version="1.6+" initial-heap-size="4G" max-heap-size="4G"/>