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How to check whether the function “App.ServisTanimId.getValue” exists as a property before calling it?

I have a JavaScript code in my CSHTML. When I click the button it runs a function. But in some windows App.ServisTanimId.getValue() is undefined. That’s why my button doesn’t work. Is there any way like to check if App.ServisTanimId.getValue() is undefined and only then do it?

Pencere = function(parameters) {{
    url: '@(Url.Action("window", "Home", new { Area = "area" }))',
    extraParams: {
      ServisTanimId: App.ServisTanimId.getValue(),
      CepDepoTanimId: App.CepDepoTanimId.getValue()
    eventMask: {
      showMask: true


  • if(App.ServisTanimId) {
      // This code will execute if App.ServisTanimId is defined
    } else {
      // If undefined

    should work