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Want to know Restlet Routing basic concepts

I am using the restlet routing APIs like http://localhost:8080/ But I don't know how to use this type of method:


that I have seen in Restlet routing nightmare?

Could anyone tell me

1.What is the best practice of using Restlet Routing?

2.How to implement /{projectName}/{wallName} in java?

3.How to get the value of projectName from this API?


  • In fact, there are several part within a Restlet application. Classically, this application is accessible through a Restlet component that can be created as described below:

    • Standalone mode (outside an application server)

      Component component = new Component();
      component.setName("My component");
      component.getServers().add(Protocol.HTTP, 8182);
      MyApplication application = new MyApplication();
      // To attach application on /
      component.getDefaultHost().attach("", application);
      // To attach application on /
    • Container mode (servlet support). You can use the extension ext.servlet for this use case. A front servlet is provided that automatically wraps a component. You only have to specify the class of your application implementation, as described below:

      <!-- Application class name -->
      <!– Restlet adapter –>
      <!– Catch all requests –>
          <!-- or -->
          <!-- url-pattern>/*</url-pattern -->

    You can now implement the Restlet application. For this implement, a class that extends Application. The routing must be defined within its method createInboudRoot, as described below:

    public MyApplication extends Application {
        public Restlet createInboundRoot() {
            Router router = new Router(getContext());
            router.attach("/{projectName}/{wallName}", MyServerResource.class);
            return router;

    As you can see, a server resource is attached for the path /{projectName}/{wallName}. This server resource is responsible to handle the request. A sample of implementation is described below:

    public class MyServerResource extends ServerResource {
        public Representation handleGet() {
            String projectName = getAttribute("projectName");
            String wallName = getAttribute("wallName");

    Hope it helps you, Thierry