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ArrayController's property for each item in the model in ember

I've an Array controller which has the property "isChecked" (boolean property). In my controller I want to get the collection of elements which are "checked" (I mean selected). I'm not sure how to access the controller's property in the model.

My controller is as follows:

App.ExampleController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
    isChecked: false,
    totalElements: function()
        return this.model.get('length');
    selectedElements: function()
        var content = this.get('content');
        return content.filterBy('isChecked');

I linked the "isChecked" property to a checkbox inside each helper as follows..

   {{#each model}}
            {{input type="checkbox" checked=isChecked}}

I will display all the items in the model with a checkbox associated with it. The user can select few items from it. So I want those items.

enter image description here

Now I want to get the list of elements which are "checked". Either as a computed property or under any action.

Thank you.


  • I think you need to move the isChecked property onto an ObjectController, then reference that controller in the array controller with the itemController property.

    Array Controller:

    App.IndexController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
      itemController: 'color',
      totalElements: function() {
        return this.get('length');
      selectedElements: Ember.computed.filterBy('@this', 'isChecked', true)

    (The @this means that the computed property will reference the array of item controllers.)

    Item Controller:

    App.ColorController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
      isChecked: false

    Hope that helps.