I am having some issues with setting relation among two classes. I have 2 classes, Student:
class Student {
String name
Guardian father
Guardian mother
Guardian local_guardian
and Guardian:
class Guardian {
String name;
static hasMany = [children:Student]
static mappedBy = [children:'father']
Here, I used mappedBy to map Guardian object to father property . Unless mappedBy, I was getting error telling, should use mappedBy with any of the 3 Student class property. I tried this query to enter some sample data
new Student(name:"John", father: new Guardian(name:"Michael").save(),
mother: new Guardian(name:"Mary").save(),
local_guardian: new Guardian(name:"James").save()).save(flush:true);
The data is getting saved successfully but my problem is, Since I used mappedBy with 'father' property, I am able to use Guardian.children only with that father object. when I try to get list of children with mother and local_guardian object, (eg: mother.children) getting null result. I tried by adding with addTo on the many side like
and tried accessing
Here, I got the result , but it moved the child from father to mother object, and no longer able to access father.children
How will I solve this scenario?
What I am trying to achieve is, I should be able to get list of children from all 3 of the Guardian object . Here One Student object is pointing to 3 Guardian objects (father, mother, local_guardian) . So I should be able to get the list of children by
How will I set the proper relation among these classes to solve my problem?
If you want to implement this relation using hasMany then you will need to have three mappedBy in Guardian class.
static hasMany = [children:Student, motherChildres:Student, localGuardianChildrens:Student]
static mappedBy = [children:'father', motherChildrens:'mother', localGuardianChildrens: 'local_guardian']
But this does not look good, instead you can implement a relation using a middle level domain class and add addToChildren and getChildrens methods in Guardian class like below.
class GuardianChildren {
Guardian guardian
Student student
constraints {
student unique: ['guardian']
Guardian {
void addToChildrens(Student child) {
new GuardianChildren(guardian:this, student:child).save()
List<Student> getChildrens() {
return GuardianChildren.findAllByGuardian(this).children
Student {
Guardian getMother() {
//find guardin children where guardian type is mother and children is this student
Guardian getFather() {..}
Remove hasMany from Guardian and father/mother properties from Student. You will also probably need a type field in Guardian to specify if this is mother/father etc