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Can Aliasing Problems be Avoided with const Variables

My company uses a messaging server which gets a message into a const char* and then casts it to the message type.

I've become concerned about this after asking this question. I'm not aware of any bad behavior in the messaging server. Is it possible that const variables do not incur aliasing problems?

For example say that foo is defined in MessageServer in one of these ways:

  1. As a parameter: void MessageServer(const char* foo)
  2. Or as const variable at the top of MessageServer: const char* foo = PopMessage();

Now MessageServer is a huge function, but it never assigns anything to foo, however at 1 point in MessageServer's logic foo will be cast to the selected message type.

auto bar = reinterpret_cast<const MessageJ*>(foo);

bar will only be read from subsequently, but will be used extensively for object setup.

Is an aliasing problem possible here, or does the fact that foo is only initialized, and never modified save me?


Jarod42's answer finds no problem with casting from a const char* to a MessageJ*, but I'm not sure this makes sense.

We know this is illegal:

MessageX* foo = new MessageX;
const auto bar = reinterpret_cast<MessageJ*>(foo);

Are we saying this somehow makes it legal?

MessageX* foo = new MessageX;
const auto temp = reinterpret_cast<char*>(foo);
auto bar = reinterpret_cast<const MessageJ*>(temp);

My understanding of Jarod42's answer is that the cast to temp makes it legal.


I've gotten some comments with relation to serialization, alignment, network passing, and so on. That's not what this question is about.

This is a question about strict aliasing.

Strict aliasing is an assumption, made by the C (or C++) compiler, that dereferencing pointers to objects of different types will never refer to the same memory location (i.e. alias eachother.)

What I'm asking is: Will the initialization of a const object, by casting from a char*, ever be optimized below where that object is cast to another type of object, such that I am casting from uninitialized data?


  • My company uses a messaging server which gets a message into a const char* and then casts it to the message type.

    So long as you mean that it does a reinterpret_cast (or a C-style cast that devolves to a reinterpret_cast):

    MessageJ *j = new MessageJ();
    // or PushMessage(reinterpret_cast<char*>(j));

    and later takes that same pointer and reinterpret_cast's it back to the actual underlying type, then that process is completely legitimate:

    MessageServer(char *foo)
      if (somehow figure out that foo is actually a MessageJ*)
        MessageJ *bar = reinterpret_cast<MessageJ*>(foo);
        // operate on bar
    // or
      char *foo = PopMessage();
      if (somehow figure out that foo is actually a MessageJ*)
        MessageJ *bar = reinterpret_cast<MessageJ*>(foo);
        // operate on bar

    Note that I specifically dropped the const's from your examples as their presence or absence doesn't matter. The above is legitimate when the underlying object that foo points at actually is a MessageJ, otherwise it is undefined behavior. The reinterpret_cast'ing to char* and back again yields the original typed pointer. Indeed, you could reinterpret_cast to a pointer of any type and back again and get the original typed pointer. From this reference:

    Only the following conversions can be done with reinterpret_cast ...

    6) An lvalue expression of type T1 can be converted to reference to another type T2. The result is an lvalue or xvalue referring to the same object as the original lvalue, but with a different type. No temporary is created, no copy is made, no constructors or conversion functions are called. The resulting reference can only be accessed safely if allowed by the type aliasing rules (see below) ...

    Type aliasing

    When a pointer or reference to object of type T1 is reinterpret_cast (or C-style cast) to a pointer or reference to object of a different type T2, the cast always succeeds, but the resulting pointer or reference may only be accessed if both T1 and T2 are standard-layout types and one of the following is true:

    • T2 is the (possibly cv-qualified) dynamic type of the object ...

    Effectively, reinterpret_cast'ing between pointers of different types simply instructs the compiler to reinterpret the pointer as pointing at a different type. More importantly for your example though, round-tripping back to the original type again and then operating on it is safe. That is because all you've done is instructed the compiler to reinterpret a pointer as pointing at a different type and then told the compiler again to reinterpret that same pointer as pointing back at the original, underlying type.

    So, the round trip conversion of your pointers is legitimate, but what about potential aliasing problems?

    Is an aliasing problem possible here, or does the fact that foo is only initialized, and never modified save me?

    The strict aliasing rule allows compilers to assume that references (and pointers) to unrelated types do not refer to the same underlying memory. This assumption allows lots of optimizations because it decouples operations on unrelated reference types as being completely independent.

    #include <iostream>
    int foo(int *x, long *y)  
      // foo can assume that x and y do not alias the same memory because they have unrelated types
      // so it is free to reorder the operations on *x and *y as it sees fit
      // and it need not worry that modifying one could affect the other
      *x = -1;
      *y =  0;
      return *x;
    int main()
      long a;
      int  b = foo(reinterpret_cast<int*>(&a), &a);  // violates strict aliasing rule
      // the above call has UB because it both writes and reads a through an unrelated pointer type
      // on return b might be either 0 or -1; a could similarly be arbitrary
      // technically, the program could do anything because it's UB
      std::cout << b << ' ' << a << std::endl;
      return 0;

    In this example, thanks to the strict aliasing rule, the compiler can assume in foo that setting *y cannot affect the value of *x. So, it can decide to just return -1 as a constant, for example. Without the strict aliasing rule, the compiler would have to assume that altering *y might actually change the value of *x. Therefore, it would have to enforce the given order of operations and reload *x after setting *y. In this example it might seem reasonable enough to enforce such paranoia, but in less trivial code doing so will greatly constrain reordering and elimination of operations and force the compiler to reload values much more often.

    Here are the results on my machine when I compile the above program differently (Apple LLVM v6.0 for x86_64-apple-darwin14.1.0):

    $ g++ -Wall
    $ ./a.out
    0 0
    $ g++ -Wall -O3
    $ ./a.out
    -1 0

    In your first example, foo is a const char * and bar is a const MessageJ * reinterpret_cast'ed from foo. You further stipulate that the object's underlying type actually is a MessageJ and that no reads are done through the const char *. Instead, it is only casted to the const MessageJ * from which only reads are then done. Since you do not read nor write through the const char * alias, then there can be no aliasing optimization problem with your accesses through your second alias in the first place. This is because there are no potentially conflicting operations performed on the underlying memory through your aliases of unrelated types. However, even if you did read through foo, then there could still be no potential problem as such accesses are allowed by the type aliasing rules (see below) and any ordering of reads through foo or bar would yield the same results because there are no writes occurring here.

    Let us now drop the const qualifiers from your example and presume that MessageServer does do some write operations on bar and furthermore that the function also reads through foo for some reason (e.g. - prints a hex dump of memory). Normally, there might be an aliasing problem here as we have reads and writes happening through two pointers to the same memory through unrelated types. However, in this specific example, we are saved by the fact that foo is a char*, which gets special treatment by the compiler:

    Type aliasing

    When a pointer or reference to object of type T1 is reinterpret_cast (or C-style cast) to a pointer or reference to object of a different type T2, the cast always succeeds, but the resulting pointer or reference may only be accessed if both T1 and T2 are standard-layout types and one of the following is true: ...

    • T2 is char or unsigned char

    The strict-aliasing optimizations that are allowed for operations through references (or pointers) of unrelated types are specifically disallowed when a char reference (or pointer) is in play. The compiler instead must be paranoid that operations through the char reference (or pointer) can affect and be affected by operations done through other references (or pointers). In the modified example where reads and writes operate on both foo and bar, you can still have defined behavior because foo is a char*. Therefore, the compiler is not allowed to optimize to reorder or eliminate operations on your two aliases in ways that conflict with the serial execution of the code as written. Similarly, it is forced to be paranoid about reloading values that may have been affected by operations through either alias.

    The answer to your question is that, so long as your functions are properly round tripping pointers to a type through a char* back to its original type, then your function is safe, even if you were to interleave reads (and potentially writes, see caveat at end of EDIT) through the char* alias with reads+writes through the underlying type alias.

    These two technical references (3.10.10) are useful for answering your question. These other references help give a better understanding of the technical information.

    EDIT: In the comments below, zmb objects that while char* can legitimately alias a different type, that the converse is not true as several sources seem to say in varying forms: that the char* exception to the strict aliasing rule is an asymmetric, "one-way" rule.

    Let us modify my above strict-aliasing code example and ask would this new version similarly result in undefined behavior?

    #include <iostream>
    char foo(char *x, long *y)
      // can foo assume that x and y cannot alias the same memory?
      *x = -1;
      *y =  0;
      return *x;
    int main()
      long a;
      char b = foo(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&a), &a);  // explicitly allowed!
      // if this is defined behavior then what must the values of b and a be?
      std::cout << (int) b << ' ' << a << std::endl;
      return 0;

    I argue that this is defined behavior and that both a and b must be zero after the call to foo. From the C++ standard (3.10.10):

    If a program attempts to access the stored value of an object through a glvalue of other than one of the following types the behavior is undefined:^52

    • the dynamic type of the object ...

    • a char or unsigned char type ...

    ^52: The intent of this list is to specify those circumstances in which an object may or may not be aliased.

    In the above program, I am accessing the stored value of an object through both its actual type and a char type, so it is defined behavior and the results have to comport with the serial execution of the code as written.

    Now, there is no general way for the compiler to always statically know in foo that the pointer x actually aliases y or not (e.g. - imagine if foo was defined in a library). Maybe the program could detect such aliasing at run time by examining the values of the pointers themselves or consulting RTTI, but the overhead this would incur wouldn't be worth it. Instead, the better way to generally compile foo and allow for defined behavior when x and y do happen to alias one another is to always assume that they could (i.e. - disable strict alias optimizations when a char* is in play).

    Here's what happens when I compile and run the above program:

    $ g++ -Wall
    $ ./a.out
    0 0
    $ g++ -O3 -Wall
    $ ./a.out
    0 0

    This output is at odds with the earlier, similar strict-aliasing program's. This is not dispositive proof that I'm right about the standard, but the different results from the same compiler provides decent evidence that I may be right (or, at least that one important compiler seems to understand the standard the same way).

    Let's examine some of the seemingly conflicting sources:

    The converse is not true. Casting a char* to a pointer of any type other than a char* and dereferencing it is usually in volation of the strict aliasing rule. In other words, casting from a pointer of one type to pointer of an unrelated type through a char* is undefined.

    The bolded bit is why this quote doesn't apply to the problem addressed by my answer nor the example I just gave. In both my answer and the example, the aliased memory is being accessed both through a char* and the actual type of the object itself, which can be defined behavior.

    Both C and C++ allow accessing any object type via char * (or specifically, an lvalue of type char). They do not allow accessing a char object via an arbitrary type. So yes, the rule is a "one way" rule."

    Again, the bolded bit is why this statement doesn't apply to my answers. In this and similar counter-examples, an array of characters is being accessed through a pointer of an unrelated type. Even in C, this is UB because the character array might not be aligned according to the aliased type's requirements, for example. In C++, this is UB because such access does not meet any of the type aliasing rules as the underlying type of the object actually is char.

    In my examples, we first have a valid pointer to a properly constructed type that is then aliased by a char* and then reads and writes through these two aliased pointers are interleaved, which can be defined behavior. So, there seems to be some confusion and conflation out there between the strict aliasing exception for char and not accessing an underlying object through an incompatible reference.

    int   value;  
    int  *p = &value;  
    char *q = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value);

    Both p and p refer to the same address, they are aliasing the same memory. What the language does is provide a set of rules defining the behaviors that are guaranteed: write through p read through q fine, other way around not fine.

    The standard and many examples clearly state that "write through q, then read through p (or value)" can be well defined behavior. What is not as abundantly clear, but what I'm arguing for here, is that "write through p (or value), then read through q" is always well defined. I claim even further, that "reads and writes through p (or value) can be arbitrarily interleaved with reads and writes to q" with well defined behavior.

    Now there is one caveat to the previous statement and why I kept sprinkling the word "can" throughout the above text. If you have a type T reference and a char reference that alias the same memory, then arbitrarily interleaving reads+writes on the T reference with reads on the char reference is always well defined. For example, you might do this to repeatedly print out a hex dump of the underlying memory as you modify it multiple times through the T reference. The standard guarantees that strict aliasing optimizations will not be applied to these interleaved accesses, which otherwise might give you undefined behavior.

    But what about writes through a char reference alias? Well, such writes may or may not be well defined. If a write through the char reference violates an invariant of the underlying T type, then you can get undefined behavior. If such a write improperly modified the value of a T member pointer, then you can get undefined behavior. If such a write modified a T member value to a trap value, then you can get undefined behavior. And so on. However, in other instances, writes through the char reference can be completely well defined. Rearranging the endianness of a uint32_t or uint64_t by reading+writing to them through an aliased char reference is always well defined, for example. So, whether such writes are completely well defined or not depends on the particulars of the writes themselves. Regardless, the standard guarantees that its strict aliasing optimizations will not reorder or eliminate such writes w.r.t. other operations on the aliased memory in a manner that itself could lead to undefined behavior.