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Adding list-unsubscribe header to email through SendGrid Marketing API

We are using SendGrid Marketing Email API for pushing newsletters to our subscribers, and wish to include a custom list-unsubscribe header in each of the emails. However I cannot see any API method supporting adding headers to the message. Am I completely blind or are there just no methods for adding custom headers to SendGrid emails?

Thank you Brgds Lukas


  • You can add custom header via their Web API with the header argument (must be in valid JSON format without integers), as described in their doc:


    POST Data:

    api_user=your_sendgrid_username&api_key=your_sendgrid_password&[email protected]&toname=Destination&subject=Example_Subject&text=testingtextbody&[email protected]&header={"List-Unsubscribe": "unsubscribe_email@your_domain"}