Simple zoo object is
z <- zoo(11:15, as.Date(31:45))
1970-02-01 11
1970-02-02 12
1970-02-03 13
1970-02-04 14
1970-02-05 15
1970-02-06 11
1970-02-07 12
1970-02-08 13
1970-02-09 14
1970-02-10 15
1970-02-11 11
1970-02-12 12
1970-02-13 13
1970-02-14 14
1970-02-15 15, width=3, mean, align="right"))
rollapply(z, width = 3, mean, align = "right")
1970-02-03 12.00000
1970-02-04 13.00000
1970-02-05 14.00000
1970-02-06 13.33333
1970-02-07 12.66667
1970-02-08 12.00000
1970-02-09 13.00000
1970-02-10 14.00000
1970-02-11 13.33333
1970-02-12 12.66667
1970-02-13 12.00000
1970-02-14 13.00000
1970-02-15 14.00000
Is it possible to make that start observation is fixed, i.e. at date "1970-02-04" we have average over '11, 12, 13, 14' not over '12, 13, 14' and so on? Of course one can do it through loop, but if problem is a bit more complicated loops are very slow, and I was looking for something which is as fast as apply
, or rollapply
Set the width equal to the length of the series and use partial = TRUE
rollapplyr(z, length(z), mean, partial = TRUE)
You could also use cumsum(z) / seq_along(z)