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Hide a ListView on a button click

I my ASP.NET 4.5 WebForms app, I have a . Above it I have a LinkButton to Show/Hide the LinkView. But somw how the ListView's Visible state is not changed only, it's always visible. Here's my code :

      <asp:LinkButton runat="server" Visible="true" ID="collapseFloorList" Text="Hide" OnClick="collapseFloorList_Click"></asp:LinkButton>

    <asp:Panel ID="floorPanel" runat="server" >

    <asp:ListView runat="server" ID="floorList" 
         UpdateMethod="floorList_UpdateItem" DeleteMethod="floorList_DeleteItem"
         SelectMethod="floorList_GetData" DataKeyNames="FloorPatternId" 
         Visible='<%# ShowFloorList %>' >

In the Code Behind, I have a Property in PAge named ShowFloorList :

    public bool ShowFloorList { get; set; }
    protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            ShowFloorList = true;


    protected void collapseFloorList_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("COLLAPSE FLOOR BTN Click Floor List State = " + floorList.Visible + "  BTN TEXT = " + collapseFloorList.Text );

        if (collapseFloorList.Text == "Hide") // Requesting to Hide i.e. Visible to make false
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("INSIDE HIDE");
            ShowFloorList = false;
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SHOWFLOOR LIST = " + ShowFloorList);
            ShowFloorList = true;
        if (ShowFloorList == false)
            collapseFloorList.Text = "Show";
            ShowFloorList = false;
            //floorPanel.Visible = false;
            //floorList.Visible = false;
            collapseFloorList.Text = "Hide";
            ShowFloorList = true;
            floorPanel.Visible = true;
            //floorList.Visible = true;
        } */


 COLLAPSE FLOOR BTN Click Floor List State = True  BTN TEXT = Hide

I tried making the floorLsit directly visible to false, adding it in a panel & making panel visible, and now alos thru property but Nothing works.

Can you tell me why am not able to hide the Listview ?? Any help is highly appreciated.



  • It could be that Link button is actually a link, then !IsPostBack is always false, have you tried changing the LinkButton into asp Button?


    I've created a sample project for you, open this project NOT as a Project but as a WebSite
    Sample scrollTo and Toggle in jquery
    Please don't hesitate if you have questions.