I am using Ubercart for products on a Drupal site. I want to extend this product to show a wide range if different information on products. One of the bits of info I want to show, is "specifications".
Take this product as an example. It has various categories of specs, e.g:
But each of those categories, has actual values underneath them. E.g. Under "attachment and capacities" you have:
When I create a new product, I want to be able to add infinite amounts of specifications, that fall under a group.
The best way I have found to do this is using Inline Entities. But this is very slow. Is there no better "field type" I could use to demonstrate this relationship? I.e. one where I can infinitely add categories of values to a specific node?
You can use Product Specification module to achieve the same.
This module allows you to attach product specification data to any entity in Drupal 7. Mostly we can use this module to store product specifications on product display page.