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What is the difference between these two syntax

If i have

promise = userService.updateUser($stateParams.userId, req);

    function(user) {
        logger.logSuccess('Updated user');
        return user;
    function(error) {
        logger.logError('Ups an error has occurred');
        console.error('error updating user: ' + error);

promise.then(function(user) {
    _.each(uploader.getNotUploadedItems(), function(item) {
        return item.formData.push({

Then if the updateUser fails the log will be shown and then second then will not be executed however if i have

promise = userService.updateUser($stateParams.userId, req).then(
    function(user) {
        logger.logSuccess('Updated user');
        return user;
    function(error) {
        logger.logError('Ups an error has occurred');
        console.error('error updating user: ' + error);

promise.then(function(user) {
    _.each(uploader.getNotUploadedItems(), function(item) {
        return item.formData.push({

The second then will be executed

I can't figure out why, i mean isn't this just regular chaining ?


  • if the updateUser fails the log will be shown and then second then will not be executed

    Yes, because you're branching the promise chains:

                  success: - logSuccessAndResetForm()
                   |       - makeNewFormData()
    updateUser() --+
      promise      |
                  error    - logError()

    but when using regular chaining the second chain will be executed

    Yes, of course. Your error handler handles the error and the promise is fulfilled with the return value.

                  success: - logSuccessAndResetForm()           success: - makeNewFormData()
                   |                               \             |
    updateUser() --+                                >- promise --+
                   |                               /             |
                  error    - logError()           ´             error:   (nothing)

    See also this answer for prettier control flow diagrams of similar code.