Please look at this link of Joshua Bloch's Effective Java.
In second paragraph, the author says:
The class is private or package-private, and you are certain that its equals method will never be invoked. Arguably, the
method should be overridden under these circumstances, in case it is accidentally invoked:@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { throw new AssertionError(); // Method is never called }
Please explain this. I am getting confused by the author's use of term private class and that why is there a need to override equals method when we know for certain that it won't be invoked.
A class can be private only if it is an inner class.
As for the "why" is there a need to override equals
, the reason is that by writing it as you have shown you will ensure that the method is never called intentionally. The moment six months in the future, when a new developer on the project will call equals on that class, the method will throw and signal that it is not correct to call it. That's a good thing; it prevents "forgetting" about it.