I've been trawling SO questions for an answer to something that should be very simple but for the life of me I cannot figure it out.
Basically I have a meteor-autoform with two select controls:
<template name="processFormTemplate">
{{#autoForm id="processForm" collection="Processes" type=formAction doc=doc validation="blur"}}
<div class="col-md-12">
{{> afQuickField name="elementId" options=elements}}
{{> afQuickField name="categoryId" options=categories}}
{{> afQuickField name="title"}}
{{> afQuickField name="desc" rows=4}}
These then have helpers to populate the options:
elements: function() {
return getFormElements();
categories: function(elementId) {
return getFormCategories(this.doc.elementId);
getFormElements = function() {
var options = [];
Elements.find({}, {sort: {ref:1}}).forEach(function (element) {
label: element.title, value: element._id
return options;
getFormCategories = function(elementId) {
var options = [];
var filter = {};
if (!isBlank(elementId)) {
filter.elementId = elementId;
Categories.find(filter, {sort: {ref:1}}).forEach(function (d) {
label: d.title, value: d._id
return options;
Now I know this isn't working because the helper isn't reactive, however I don't know how to change this behaviour. I've also tried hooking into the 'change' event but this never fires for some reason:
'change #elementId': function(e) {
console.log($('[name="elementId"]').val() + ' is now selected');
The required behaviour is that when a new elementId is selected in the first list, the list of options in the second should be refreshed based on the selected elementId.
Any help much appreciated.
Thanks, David
I had the same problem before that took me hours to resolve. You have to use simple schema to get the value of selected option like this using autoform's api call Autoform.getFieldValue:
Schemas.Store = new SimpleSchema({
center: {
type: String,
optional: true,
autoform: {
type: "select",
options: function () {
return Centers.find().map(function (c) {
return {label: c.name, value: c._id};
region: {
type: String,
optional: true,
autoform: {
type: "select",
options: function () {
if (Meteor.isClient) {
var docId = '';
docId = AutoForm.getFieldValue('storesForm', 'center');
return Regions.find({center: docId}).map(function (c) {
return {label: c.name + ' (' + c.code + ')', value: c._id};
store_name: {
type: String
BTW, I'm still using [email protected] due to issues encountered when using Autoform.getFieldValue in 5.0
Issue in 5.0.3 I've reported to aldeed: https://github.com/aldeed/meteor-autoform/issues/785#issuecomment-84600515