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GmailSettingsService availability post April 20th, 2015

Will the GmailSettingsService class still be available after April 20th, and will the constructor still be as shown below (from

public GmailSettingsService(
  String applicationName, String domain, String username, String password)
  throws AuthenticationException {
    super(applicationName, Constants.PROTOCOL, Constants.APPS_APIS_DOMAIN);
    this.domain = domain;

    new GenericFeed().declareExtensions(getExtensionProfile());

    this.setUserCredentials(username + "@" + domain, password);

Is there any way to test my application before the April 20th expiration date for deprecated APIs to make sure it will work?


  • While the Email Settings API is not part of the April 20th shutdown, ClientLogin, which your code above is using for authentication is. You should migrate your code to use OAuth 2.0.