First question of mine:
Currently I have an assignment in BlueJ where I need to apply for. each loops. My code is as follows:
my constructor:
if(isValidPopulation(populationInMillions) && isValidStateProvinceName(provinceStateName) && isValidCapitalCity(provinceStateCapital)) {
this.populationInMillions = populationInMillions;
this.provinceStateName = provinceStateName;
this.provinceStateCapital = provinceStateCapital;
one of the methods that helps with my constructor:
private boolean isValidStateProvinceName(String validName)
for(String temp : validStateProvince)
if(validStateProvince.contains(temp.equalsIgnoresCase(validName))) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Basically I wish to make is so that validName can use any cases in the loop statement. Obviously I am executing this incorrectly. I will provide more code if anyone could be so kind to help.
I think this is what you are looking for:
private boolean isValidStateProvinceName(String validName)
for(String temp : validStateProvince)
if(temp.equalsIgnoresCase(validName)) {
return true;
return false;
Also, since you are iterating throug validStateProvince
, you want to compare it to the temp