I'm XmlHttpRequest in order to make http request and I want to get the cookies. The code to get cookie :
let http_post url =
~post_args:[("login", `String (Js.string "foo"));
("password", `String (Js.string "bar"))]
url >>= fun r ->
let code = r.XmlHttpRequest.code in
let msg = r.XmlHttpRequest.content in
let cookie = match r.XmlHttpRequest.headers "Set-Cookie" with
| None -> "Empty Cookie"
| Some s -> s in
if code = 0 || code = 200
then Lwt.return (msg,cookie)
let make_test_request id =
let button = get_element_by_id id in
button##onclick <- (Html.handler (fun _ ->
http_post "www.website.com" >>=
(fun (msg,cookie) ->
Printf.printf "cookie = %s\n" cookie;
Html.document##cookie <- Js.string cookie;
Printf.printf "s = %s\n" msg;
The cookies should be in the headers and I'm getting this error : Refused to get unsafe header "Set-Cookie"
It is the way that I'm getting the cookies wrong or a problem with my web browser (I'm using chromium) ?
client . getResponseHeader(header) Returns the header field value from the response of which the field name matches header, unless the field name is Set-Cookie or Set-Cookie2.
answers at Why cookies and set-cookie headers can't be set while making xmlhttprequest using setRequestHeader?