I'm writing a cabal file to install a library written with Haskell. I want some tests (written with quickCheck
) to be performed at installation.
The cabal file looks like :
build-type: Simple
cabal-version: >=1.8
Test-Suite my_tests
Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
Hs-Source-Dirs: test
Main-is: Tests.hs
Hs-Source-Dirs: src
Exposed-modules: HsMesher.Fonctions
, HsMesher.Types
, HsMesher.Algorithmes1D.Arcs
, HsMesher.Algorithmes1D.Segments
Build-depends: base ==4.5.*
and the Test.hs
file to perform tests is :
import Test.QuickCheck
import HsMesher.Algorithmes1D.Segments
import HsMesher.Algorithmes1D.Arcs
import HsMesher.Types
main = do
putStrLn "My tests"
quickCheck prop_test1
quickCheck prop_test2
when I run runhaskell test/Tests.hs
test routine is performed correctly.
But when I type cabal configure --enable-tests && cabal build && cabal test
, tests are not performed and I have the following message :
cabal: No test suites enabled. Did you remember to configure with '--enable-tests'?
However library is installed correctly with cabal install
and archived correctly with cabal sdist
Do you have an idea of what is wrong ?
Is there something I didn't understand in the integration of quickCheck with Cabal ?
I'm using cabal v1.14.0, ghc v7.4.1
It 's important to not forget dependency when calling test suite as far as cabal doesn't complain explicitly when you forget them.
Test-Suite my_tests
Type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
Hs-Source-Dirs: test
Main-is: Tests.hs
Build-depends: base ==4.5.* , HsMesher, QuickCheck