Note: The "Go-lang parallel segment runs slower than series segment" question dealt with race conditions, this one has another issue, so imho it's not a duplicate.
I'm trying to find an explanation for the following situation: Running parallel quicksort results in a significantly longer runtime when done using go routines.
Benchmarks are after the code:
package c9sort
import (
var runInParllel bool
func Quicksort(nums []int, parallel bool) ([]int, int) {
started := time.Now()
ch := make(chan int)
runInParllel = parallel
go quicksort(nums, ch)
sorted := make([]int, len(nums))
i := 0
for next := range ch {
sorted[i] = next
return sorted, int(time.Since(started).Nanoseconds() / 1000000)
func quicksort(nums []int, ch chan int) {
// Choose first number as pivot
pivot := nums[0]
// Prepare secondary slices
smallerThanPivot := make([]int, 0)
largerThanPivot := make([]int, 0)
// Slice except pivot
nums = nums[1:]
// Go over slice and sort
for _, i := range nums {
switch {
case i <= pivot:
smallerThanPivot = append(smallerThanPivot, i)
case i > pivot:
largerThanPivot = append(largerThanPivot, i)
var ch1 chan int
var ch2 chan int
// Now do the same for the two slices
if len(smallerThanPivot) > 1 {
ch1 = make(chan int, len(smallerThanPivot))
if runInParllel {
go quicksort(smallerThanPivot, ch1)
} else {
quicksort(smallerThanPivot, ch1)
if len(largerThanPivot) > 1 {
ch2 = make(chan int, len(largerThanPivot))
if runInParllel {
go quicksort(largerThanPivot, ch2)
} else {
quicksort(largerThanPivot, ch2)
// Wait until the sorting finishes for the smaller slice
if len(smallerThanPivot) > 1 {
for i := range ch1 {
ch <- i
} else if len(smallerThanPivot) == 1 {
ch <- smallerThanPivot[0]
ch <- pivot
if len(largerThanPivot) > 1 {
for i := range ch2 {
ch <- i
} else if len(largerThanPivot) == 1 {
ch <- largerThanPivot[0]
Benchmarks for a random perm of 500000 integers:
Ran 100 times
Non parallel average - 1866ms
Parallel average - 2437ms
Any explanation would be appreciated. I know goroutines may not be best for this kind of parallelism, but I'm trying to understand the reason.
Thank you in advance.
Turns out it was very simple. As I'm on a new machine, the GOMAXPROCS variable wasn't set.
The new benchmark favors, as predicted, the parallel implementation: Set to double the number of cores:
Using 16 goroutines
Ran 100 times
Non parallel average - 1980
Parallel average - 1133
Set to the number of cores:
Using 8 goroutines
Ran 100 times
Non parallel average - 2004
Parallel average - 1197
By the way, this is fairly consistent. The average for double the number of cores is always a bit better.
Benchmark for a larger collection (1000000):
Using 8 goroutines
Ran 100 times
Non parallel average - 3748
Parallel average - 2265
With double:
Using 16 goroutines
Ran 100 times
Non parallel average - 3817
Parallel average - 2012