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Using GitHub with XCode 6.2 causes Storyboard UI Elements to Disappear

My partner created a project in XCode and committed it to GitHub. No new changes were made. When either of us tries to bring down the project on our computers, the Storyboard appears to be missing every single UI element (UITextField, UIButton, UILabel, and UITextView). The View Controllers show up, but all of them are empty / blank. In the list view, the elements are there but are grayed out. The project still runs perfectly. If I try to open the Storyboard with an external editor, it still exists as an XML file. Apparently, the elements are still there but they simply fail to show up when the Storyboard is displayed. We are both using the latest XCode, Version 6.2 (6C131e). My partner just upgraded to the latest version of Yosemite a couple of days ago, and I am running OSX 10.9.5. The code is in Swift.


  • After the problem happened again, I fixed it the same way as above with the Size Class set to Compact/Any, and this time did a force commit on ALL files even though Git didn't seem to think they needed to be uploaded. That time when I checked the project out again, I could see the UIElements in the Compact/Any without having to change it back to Compact/Any again because it was already showing that way.