I a am trying to use World Wind Java into a Maven project.
First method would be to take their SDK here and all dependencies in build path. But I want to make it more maven compliant.
First dependency: jogl-all.jar. SDK v2.0.0 seems to use v2.1.5 of JOGL (from manifest). Hence I put this in my pom file:
Here is my issue: two jar files are very different in size, and moreover, with JOGL jar from SDK, I can import com.jogamp.opengl.awt.GLCanvas
, while with maven retrieved JAR, I can't.
I don't understand how I can get two different behaviors/JARs while using exact same version.
Any clue? Any other experience using World Wind Java within Maven project?
Some digging into the World Wind Java readme files seems to have turned up the issue:
The JOGL library provides World Wind Java with (1) a Java binding to the OpenGL API, and (2) OpenGL contexts compatible with Java's AWT and Swing windowing toolkits: http://jogamp.org/jogl/www/
World Wind Java uses JOGL v2.1.5, released on 11 March 2014 and downloaded from: http://jogamp.org/deployment/v2.1.5/archive/jogamp-all-platforms.7z
The JOGL library compiled JAR files and README files are checked into the World Wind Java source, distributed with all World Wind Java builds and included in the World Wind Java Web Start deployment. This is necessary in order ensure correct operation of World Wind Java, as changes in JOGL are occasionally unstable or incompatible with previous versions. Additionally, World Wind Java's copy of the JOGL JAR files are modified to enable Web Start deployment outside of the jogamp.org domain.
Whoever put World Wind Java in the central repository should therefore have packaged and deployed the very specific JOGL/Gluegen Jars necessary to make it work. In the mean time I'm going to extract and deploy these version to my own private repository.