What is the best way of manipulating the order things are done based on some conditions (other than writing them again with the different order)?
Let's say there is a Person class and each object of Person represents a different human.
class Person{
int eatingPriority = 3;
int sleepingPriority = 2;
int recreationPriority = 1;
void eat() {/*eats*/}
void sleep() {/*sleeps*/}
void watchTv() {/*watches tv*/}
void satisfyNeeds() {
How can I make the satisfyNeeds()
methods call the other three methods based on their priority?
Note: I want to make it clear that priorities can change from Person to Person.
You can use this code
import java.util.Arrays; // must be imported
int[] priorities = {sleepPriority, eatPriority, recreationPriority};
for (int i=priorities.length-1; 0<=i; i--) {
int priority = priorities[i];
if (priority == sleepingPriority) { sleep(); }
if (priority == eatingPriority) { eat(); }
if (priority == recreationPriority) { watchTv(); }
Basically, it puts the priorities in an array, sorts the array and runs a for loop on it to run the functions.