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How can I access a record in a library in Clojure?

I'm writing a library that implements a protocol and trying to access the record outside the namespace.

storage.clj contains the record:

(defrecord FrienduiStorage []
  (get-all-users [this]

I require it like so [ :refer :all]. Then instantiate it like this (def FrienduiStorageImpl (->FrienduiStorage)) but this doesn't work: (get-all-users (FrienduiStorageImpl)) "RuntimeException: Unable to resolve symbol: get-all-users in this context". What am I doing wrong?

The full library repo is at ( I've made a minimal usage example (


  • To formalize @mavbozo's comments to your question into an answer, you need to add an import to the regular class

    So definition is

    (defrecord FrienduiStorage [])

    and usage is:

    (ns somewhere.else
      (:require [ :refer :all])
      (:import []))