I'm trying to build some websites localy with MAMP and Concrete5 but when i want to add a page template to my theme, C5 shows me this error what's going on i'm trying to follow this video:https://www.concrete5.org/documentation/developers/5.7/designing-for-concrete5/building-a-concrete5-theme/converting-an-html-template-to-a-concrete5-theme/ It seems to me that I'm the first one having this problem can someone help me out?
An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO PageTemplates (pTemplateHandle, pTemplateIcon, pTemplateName, pTemplateIsInternal, pkgID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' with params ["full", "full.png", "Full", 0, 0]: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry 'full' for key 'pTemplateHandle'
Hey guys I found the solution. The problem was that I changed the name of my html doc into full.php but as the .html file extension is hidden on my pc I couldn't figure it actually still was an html doc. I had to change the doc-type somewhere else. Weird it didn't even ask if I wanted to change the doc but anyways that's the solution hopefully someone with the same problem will figure it more quickly as me now haha.