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Integer.parseInt large number and retain sign?

I'm working with hex values and I need to retain the sign of the values. I'm wondering if someone has a creative way to retain the sign of the int without using BigInteger? I can't use BigInteger because it's not in my library due to size limitations; my program runs in an embedded environment.

I have a string of hex values as follows: 55844d000000000080027d801cf6380006f416c0c23d3e4000000000

    String          ssumI = null;
    String          ssumQ = null;
    String          sazI   = null;
    float           isumI = 0;
    float           isumQ = 0;
    float           iazI  = 0;

    ssumI = data.substring(0,8); 
    isumI = (float)(Integer.parseInt(ssumI, 16)/Math.pow(2,bits));
    //55844d00 parses fine

    ssumQ = data.substring(8,16); 
    isumQ = (float)(Integer.parseInt(ssumQ, 16)/Math.pow(2,bits));
    //00000000 parses fine

    sazI = data.substring(16, 24); 
    iazI = (float)(Integer.parseInt(sazI, 16)/Math.pow(2,bits));
    //80027d80 fails - NumberFormatException
    //should be -1,036,173,760 and in the int range

Am I not understanding the failure correctly? It seems like the failure is due to the sign bit being set.


  • If you want to store 32 bits at a time, the obvious solution in my view would be to parse with Long.parseLong instead:

    isumI = (float)(Long.parseLong(ssumI, 16) / Math.pow(2, bits));

    (Do you definitely want to hold these values as float though? You're losing information that way...)