In D3.js, I am traversing through data using the following method:
elem.allDataRows.each(function(d, i) {
elem.checkboxMemory[i] = {
id: d.key,
isChecked: d.isChecked
Since this process is asynchronous, I need to be able to determine when the loop process is complete.
Is their any way in D3 that can I detect the end of the .each()? Not for every interval, but the entire process.
Just for the record, elem.allDataRows is an array.
Thank you!
One simple way is to check value of the index i:
function(d, i) {
if (i == elem.allDataRows.length - 1){
// last element
elem.checkboxMemory[i] = {
id: d.key,
isChecked: d.isChecked