Let me explain the problem that I've faced recently.
I have React.js + Flux powered application:
article by id in array. That works pretty fine. I trigger action which makes request to server and propagates store with data, when I go to details screen then I just get the necessary article from that array in store.User loads details view
-> component did mount
-> stores are empty
-> rendered empty
-> fetchArticles action is triggered
-> request response is 200
-> stores now have list of articles
-> component did update
-> rendered with data successfully
Component could look as follows:
let DetailsComponent = React.createClass({
_getStateFromStores() {
let { articleId } = this.getParams();
return {
article: ArticleStore.getArticle(articleId)
componentDidMount() {
// fire only if user wasn't on the list before
// stores are empty
if (!this.state.article) {
render() {
return <ArticleDetails article={this.state.article} />;
The interesting part comes next:
What I've came up with is to use callback in action inside component and it feels much more cleaner:
let DetailsComponent = React.createClass({
_getStateFromStores() {
let { articleId } = this.getParams();
return {
article: ArticleStore.getArticle(articleId)
componentDidMount() {
if (!this.state.article) {
ArticleActions.fetchArticles('listType', () => {
_requestAdditionalData() {
if (this.state.article) {
render() {
return <ArticleDetails article={this.state.article} />;
What's your input?
Consider move the second call to get a detail article to the ArticleDetails component componentDidMount() life cycle method.
So if the article is not set, do not render the ArticleDetails component at all by return null / false.