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LESS: mixin to create Blink animation, passing @color -stops

I wish to create a CSS animation that act like "Blink effect" using LESS. My purpose is to call a single mixin passing each time 2 @stop colors in order to get diffent color blink depending by css class of DOM element.

Currently I have the following HTML:

  <p class='blink'>

  <p class='blink alert'>
    <big>WARNING!!!! Operation failed.</big>

And here, LESS CODE:




.animation-blink-mixin (@stop1, @stop2, @time:2s)
  animation:animation-blink @durata infinite;

      0% { color:@stop1; }
     50% { color:@stop2; }
    100% { color:@stop1; }

  @keyframes animation-blink { .steps(); }

My problem is that both DOM elements have the same "red color" animation, instead being one green2green and others red2red.

I understood that problem is in "animation name" that is always the same. Some suggestion to reach desired behaviour?



  • Just set the animation name explicitly, e.g (codepen demo):

    .blink {
        .animation-blink(blink, #080 + 200, #080);
        &.alert {
            .animation-blink(alert, #800, #800 + 200);
    .animation-blink(@name_, @color1, @color2, @time: .5s) {
        @name: ~"animation-blink-@{name_}";
        animation: @name @time ease-in-out infinite alternate;
        @keyframes @name {
            0% {color: @color1}
            to {color: @color2}