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LESS: Nested Import In Class

I got a lot of less files that are imported into one main less file. That main file has some different variables containing hex-color.


@black: #333;
@green: #007f4b;

@import "layout";
@import "html";

Is it possbile to do some thing with this base?


@black: #333;
@green: #007f4b;

@import: "layout";
@import: "html";

.fanshop {
  @black: #111;
  @green: green;

  @import: "layout";
  @import: "html";

The result should look like:

.headline {
  background-color: #333;
.fanshop .headline {
  background-color: #111;

Is this possbile with any less compiler? Currently I'm using lessphp.

Thank you!


  • It is possible in Less (not sure about exact version but most likely since 1.5.x), like this:

    @black: #333;
    @import "layout";
    .fanshop {
        @black: #111;
        @import (multiple) "layout";

    But that won't work in lessphp since it's somewhat behind Less 1.4.x. You could try less.php instead.