I have a question regarding how to create an OrientDB query. The query should get all the vertices of the friends of friends (this is equivalent to the second level relationship) + the bridge between the 2. After that, the query should filter the records after an edge property.
I am running OrientDB 1.7.4.
Schema example:
Let's take an example, taking the following schema:
-> User is a Vertex, with property id (int)
-> Knows is an Edge, with property type (string) (let's say this property has a few values: friend, family, etc.)
The relations I am looking for are like this:
User <--knows--> User <--knows--> User
(1) (2) (3)
I need all relations, doesn't matter what direction they have (even if the direction is important for other queries).
To get all Users (User3) of second degree, a query like this will suffice:
select expand( set(both().both()) ) from <rid>
Now, I have 2 main problems / questions I can't figure them out:
If the query above return a list of records from the class User (User3), how can I get the record as User (User3) AND the User (or the property id) from the user in the middle of the relation (see above: User2)
How can I filter the query to traverse (or select) only through edges that have a certain property. To be more specific I want the second query to find the Users that are from question 1 but that are friend of friends: User <--knows(method='friend')--> User <--knows(method='friend')--> User
As vitorenesduarte suggested, I found the answer. Yes I should look for edges, filter the edges, than take out the vertices from the edges, like following:
select expand( unionAll(inE('knows')[method='friend'].out, outE('knows')[method='friend'].in ) from <rid>
The problem with this query is that I think it could be optimized if OrientDB would have a function to take both way vertices from edges, something like this:
But the .both
function doesn't exist (at least in the version I use, which is 1.7.4). If anyone knows something about this, please leave a comment.