I have a ELF program named "A", "A" is a tcp server, and I have a ELF program named "B", "B" is a tcp client. When "B" begins to run, It will send msg to the server without judges if the server is ready.
Now I have to use Node.js to run "A" and "B" as two child process, how can I make the "A" must run early than "B"?
I impl like this:
socket.on('xxx', function() {
var A = spawn("A", ...);
var B = spawn("B", ...);
setTimeout(B.sendToA, 500);
Is there any good Ideas?
Thank you for your help!
Since you mentioned that the server outputs some information on it's startup, you could listen for this and then start the client when it's up.
Something like:
socket.on('xxx', function() {
var A = spawn("A", ...);
A.stdout.on('data', function(e) {
if(e.toString() === "yyy") {
var B = spawn("B", ...);
B.sendToA(); //I'm guessing this is a pseudo-method?