I'm currently trying to write a parser for an ASCII text file that is surrounded by a small envelope with checksum.
The basic structure of the file is: <0x02><"File payload"><0x03><16bit CRC>
and I want to extract the payload in another string to feed it to the next parser.
The parser expression I use to parse this envelope is:
first, last,
char_('\x02') >> *print >> char_('\x02') >> *xdigit,
The input is consumed... and I already tried to dump out the payload:
first, last,
char_('\x02') >> *print[cout << _1] >> char_('\x02') >> *xdigit,
But problem is that every newline, blank etc. is omitted!
Now my questions:
How do I extract the content between the 0x02/0x03 (ETX/STX) bytes correctly without omitting spaces, newlines etc.
And is my approach to first remove the envelope and then parse the payload good or is there another better approach I should use?
Use e.g. qi::seek/qi::confix to get you started (both part of the repository http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_57_0/libs/spirit/repository/doc/html/spirit_repository/qi_components/directives/confix.html).
But problem is that every newline, blank etc. is omitted!
Well, that's what a skipper does. Don't use one, or:
To extract the intervening text, I suggest using qi::raw
. Although I'm not sure you actually want to copy it to a string (copying sounds expensive). You could do this probably when the source is a stream (or other source of input iterators).
Seminal rule:
myrule = '\x02' > raw [ *(char_ - '\x03') ] > '\x03';
You could add the checksumming:
myrule = '\x02' > raw [ *(char_ - '\x03') ] [ _a = _checksum(_1) ] > '\x03' >> qi::word(_a);
is a suitable Phoenix functor that takes a pair of source iterators and returns uint16_t
Of course you might prefer to keep checksumming outside the parser.