I think I'm probably missing something big, but how do you do an atomic decrement on a given key using Spring Data redis?
The RedisAtomicLong
and RedisAtomicInteger
are bound to the key we specify while instantiating them.
How would I do an atomic decrement on any key of my choice?
Do I have to resort to multi-exec? In vanilla redis, i can atomically decrement any key without resorting to multi exec, by simple using the DECR command. Am I missing something here?
Thanks, Richard.
If you want to decrement by dynamic keys you can do the following
// inject the actual template
private RedisTemplate<String, Integer> template; // This can be RedisTemplate<String, Long> also based on your need
// inject the template as ValueOperations
private ValueOperations<String, Integer> valueOps;
public Integer decrement(String key) {
return ((Long)valueOps.increment(key, -1l)).intValue();