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Is it possible to convert a TypeTag to a Manifest?

Our library uses TypeTags, but now we need to interact with another library which requires Manifests. Is there any simple way to create a Manifest from a TypeTag?


  • gourlaysama's anwer uses Class[_], thus type arguments are being erased. I've come up with an implementation that preserves the type arguments here: How to maintain type parameter during TypeTag to Manifest conversion?

    Here's the code:

      def toManifest[T:TypeTag]: Manifest[T] = {
        val t = typeTag[T]
        val mirror = t.mirror
        def toManifestRec(t: Type): Manifest[_] = {
          val clazz = ClassTag[T](mirror.runtimeClass(t)).runtimeClass
          if (t.typeArgs.length == 1) {
            val arg = toManifestRec(t.typeArgs.head)
            ManifestFactory.classType(clazz, arg)
          } else if (t.typeArgs.length > 1) {
            val args = => toManifestRec(x))
            ManifestFactory.classType(clazz, args.head, args.tail: _*)
          } else {