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Is there any way to control the concatenation of the blockproc output?

This is a follow up to the question: Overlapping sliding window over an image using blockproc or im2col?

So by using the code :

B = blockproc(A, [1 1], @block_fun, 'BorderSize', [2 2], 'TrimBorder', false, 'PadPartialBlocks', true)

I was able to create an overlapping sliding window over my image and calculate the dct2 for each window. But the problem is that blockproc concatenates the output in a way that I cannot use. The output greatly depends on the block size and the size of the output matrix is different because of it every time.

My dct2 function creates a 1 x 200 vector for every block or window. So I assumed that if there are 64 blocks I should get something like 64 x 200 or 200 x 64 output, but I get something like 64 x 1600 or in case of larger blocks I get 15 x 400.

Looking into the blockproc function the problem is caused by

% write 4 corner blocks
b(1:ul_output_size(1),1:ul_output_size(2),:) = ul_output;
if ll_processed
    last_row_start = final_rows - size(ll_output,1) + 1;
    last_row_width = size(ll_output,2);
    b(last_row_start:end,1:last_row_width,:) = ll_output;
if ur_processed
    last_col_start = final_cols - size(ur_output,2) + 1;
    last_col_height = size(ur_output,1);
    b(1:last_col_height,last_col_start:end,:) = ur_output;
if lr_processed
    last_row_start = final_rows - size(ll_output,1) + 1;
    last_col_start = final_cols - size(ur_output,2) + 1;
    b(last_row_start:end,last_col_start:end,:) = lr_output;

Apparently, blockproc further divides the blocks into upper left, upper right, lower left and lower right and concatenates that result. And that is why I am getting all this mixed outputs.

I need the output of each block in its each row, for each window. Each window should just give me a 1x200 output, that I can feed into my classifier.

Can I force the output of blockproc in the way that I want it, just give the output of each block.

If not, I would really appreciate an alternative solution to have an overlapping sliding window over the image.

edit: would it be possible to save the blocks data using for every block into a cell array inside the function block_fun and then use that array to extract my features?

Thank you


B = blockproc(images_m{1}, [64 64], @(x)reshape(,[1 1 numel(]), 'BorderSize', [10 10], 'TrimBorder', false, 'PadPartialBlocks', true, 'PadMethod', 'replicate');
imgs = {};
for i = 1:size(B,1)
    for j = 1:size(B,2)
        tempy = squeeze(B(i,j,:));
        tempy2 = reshape(tempy, [84 84]);
        feats{end+1} = block_dct2(tempy2); %calculates dct2 for the block and returns a 1*200 vector



  • Maybe reshape you data in the third dimension?

    >> A = magic(3)
    A =
         8     1     6
         3     5     7
         4     9     2
    >> B = blockproc(A, [1 1], @(x)reshape(,[1 1 numel(]), 'BorderSize', [1 1], 'TrimBorder', false, 'PadPartialBlocks', true);
    >> whos B
      Name      Size             Bytes  Class     Attributes
      B         3x3x9              648  double  
    >> squeeze(B(1,1,:))
    ans =