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Open specific image in fancybox from main image area

I have fancybox opening when I click on the main image area in my gallery, and no matter what image is open fancybox always starts at the first image in the gallery. For example, when a user clicks on the 4th image thumbnail, it loads into the main image area correctly, but when clicking on the main image fancybox starts from the beginning.

I understand why it's doing this because the main image area is wrapped in:

<a rel="gallery" class="fancybox" href="#hover0"> <img/> </a>

But what I would like to happen is to have the href #hover0 change to #hover2, #hover3, #hover4, etc when the corresponding image is loaded in the main area. I'm not sure how to go about doing this.

Test Page:


  • Alright, so I have tested this by saving your whole page (along with all the resources linked to your live site, so glad the images had a direct path), you could do the following, but before I go to that there is a script error that you need to correct:

            // Bind a click event to a Cloud Zoom instance.

    ^ You have not closed this function correctly, it needs an extra }); at the end.

    Now there are 2 things you need to do for your problem:

    1) Paste the following code above the function I mentioned previously (the order matters so it needs to be above it):

        $('#imgconstrain img').on('click',function(){
            $new_hoverid = $('img.cloudzoom-gallery-active').attr('id');

    To explain what this code is doing, when the big image is clicked, we are going to get the active image, in case you haven't noticed, when you click on a thumbnail it gets the class cloudzoom-gallery-active. So, on click of the bigger image, we are going to retrieve the id of the thumbnail with the cloudzoom-gallery-active class.

    Now, since we are getting the id attribute, each image should have a unique id. So here we go for the second part:

    2) Give your thumbnails image a unique id like:

    <li><img class = 'cloudzoom-gallery' id="hover1" src =";m=1383849642" alt ="LIG Hippie Commune" data-cloudzoom = "useZoom: '.cloudzoom', image:'', zoomImage:'' "> </li>
                                    <!-- ^ here -->
    <li><img class = 'cloudzoom-gallery' id="hover2" src =";m=1383853420" alt ="Dunno weird though" data-cloudzoom = "useZoom: '.cloudzoom', image:'', zoomImage:'' "> </li>
                                    <!-- ^ here -->

    ...till hover6 and that's it.

    Let me know if that works for you and feel free to ask if the explanation wasn't clear enough ^-^


    So as per the comments, here's a few things to be done:

    1) In your this anchor tag:

    <div id="imgconstrain">
    <a rel="gallery" class="fancybox" href="#hover0">
    <img class = "cloudzoom" id="1" src = 
    • Take out rel="gallery" (this is the reason fancybox is showing from start on click of next) and remove fancybox class and instead add open-fancybox (the reason for this is coming later)

    2) All these lines:

    <script type="text/javascript">
      function displayCaption() {
                var caption = document.getElementById('caption');
                caption.innerHTML = this.alt;
            document.getElementById('1').onclick = displayCaption;
            document.getElementById('2').onclick = displayCaption;
    • is not needed, we will do this in a smaller way

    3) Like I mentioned previously, please add the ids here:

    <li><img class = 'cloudzoom-gallery' id="hover1" src =";m=1383849642" alt ="LIG Hippie Commune" data-cloudzoom = "useZoom: '.cloudzoom', image:'', zoomImage:'' "> </li>
                                        <!-- ^ here -->
    <li><img class = 'cloudzoom-gallery' id="hover2" src =";m=1383853420" alt ="Dunno weird though" data-cloudzoom = "useZoom: '.cloudzoom', image:'', zoomImage:'' "> </li>
                                        <!-- ^ here -->
    • and so on till the last image.

    4) Now the final piece:

    $('ul#carousel.elastislide-list img').on('click',function(){
                //here we get the updated id (hover1, hover2 etc.)
                //and pass it to the cloud-zoomed anchor tag
        $new_hoverid = $('img.cloudzoom-gallery-active').attr('id');
        $('#imgconstrain a').attr('href','#'+$new_hoverid);
        //get the caption of the thumbnail image and set it to the
        //p tag with id caption
        caption_text = $(this).attr('alt');
        var caption_element = document.getElementById('caption');
        caption_element.innerHTML = caption_text;
        //what this code does is, when the cloud-zoomed image is clicked,
        //we get the updated href (which is what the above code does)
        //and we are going to make that href get clicked so that the fancybox opens
        $to_open = $(this).attr('href');


    You can take out this code which was in my previous answer as I have already placed it in the new one:


    $('#imgconstrain img').on('click',function(){

    $new_hoverid = $('img.cloudzoom-gallery-active').attr('id');



    Full code pastebin

    Let me know if it works for you :)