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Clojure: multiple type hints?

How to specify the possibility of two types to a variable?

(defn connect! [(or ^:String :^ host ^:Integer port] ...)



  • From the Clojure documentation:

    Clojure supports the use of type hints to assist the compiler in avoiding reflection in performance-critical areas of code. Normally, one should avoid the use of type hints until there is a known performance bottleneck

    The purpose of type hints is to allow the compiler to avoid reflection. Any self-documentation aspects of type-hinted code are secondary. When you say the following:

    (defn connect! [^String host])

    What you're telling the compiler is to resolve all Java interop method calls on host at compile time to method calls on the String class. Allowing a form to be hinted with multiple classes would defeat this purpose - the compiler wouldn't know which class to compile a method call as. Even if it did, an object cannot be a String and an InetAddress at the same time, so any method calls compiled against the String class would be guaranteed to fail with a ClassCastException if an InetAddress happened to be passed in, and vice versa.