I am trying to use log4net with Autofac. I've pasted this code http://autofac.readthedocs.org/en/latest/examples/log4net.html , and from Program.cs/Main() I am doing
var iocBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
iocBuilder.RegisterModule(new LoggingModule());
var iocContainer = iocBuilder.Build();
now I would like to try this out immediately (in the next line), writing a simple line to the log file. How should I do it?
I am thinking of something like this
var ls = iocContainer.Resolve<LoggingModule>();
ls.Info("the logging is working");
Thanks a lot
To obtain a ILog
, log4net need to know the class that use the logger (LogManager.GetLogger(...)
). So, you can't resolve a ILog
without a parent class. You have to inject the ILog
inside a component.
public class MyComponent
public MyComponent(ILog logger)
this._logger = logger;
private readonly ILog _logger;
public void Do()
this._logger.Info("Log4net OK");
In the application start (Global.asax.cs for Asp.net, MVC):
// ...
// ...
iocBuilder.RegisterModule(new LoggingModule());
// ...
MyComponent c = iocContainer.Resolve<MyComponent>();
Another solution would be to register an ILog
for Object
and resolve ILog
. In this case, the module is not required.
//In the DI container builder:
/// ...
ContainerBuilder cb = new ContainerBuilder()
cb.Register(c => LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(Object))).As<ILog>();
IContainer container = cb.Build();
//In the function where we need to ue the logger:
ILog logger = container.Resolve<ILog>();
logger.Info("log4net OK");