I have a web application using asp.net and C#. I have a ListBox where the user can select multiple items. They are grouped using the attribute property. I need this property in the code behind in the button click event. I thought I could set the attribute values on the client side and they would be available on the server side and have learned that is not the case.
I don't know the best way to go about this. Each ListItem has a Name, Value and Group that I would like to have on the server side. The name and value are already available on the server side. I need the group associated with each selected item. Should I create a hidden field for each selected item? Should there be one hidden field with the grouping and value associated with each grouping? I have a jquery function that sets the grouping attribute. I would like to use that to set the hidden field but I am not sure if I should use one hidden field or as many as items selected.
This is the javascript that I have already:
$(document).ready(function () {
//Create groups for recipient dropdown list
$(".chosen-select option[grouping='GlobalGroups']").wrapAll("<optgroup label='Global Groups'>");
$(".chosen-select option[grouping='PersonalGroups']").wrapAll("<optgroup label='Personal Groups'>");
$(".chosen-select option[grouping='Individuals']").wrapAll("<optgroup label='Individuals'>");
//Configure the ListBox using the 'chosen' jquery plugin
search_contains: true,
no_results_text: "Sorry, no match!",
allow_single_deselect: true
$('.chosen-container').css('width', '600px');
//set attribute property for selected list
$(".chosen-select").chosen().change(function (evt) {
$(".chosen-select").find("option:selected").each(function () {
var label = $(this).closest('optgroup').prop('label');
if (label == "Global Groups") {
$(this).attr("grouping", "GlobalGroups");
else if (label == "Personal Groups") {
$(this).attr("grouping", "PersonalGroups");
else {
$(this).attr("grouping", "Individuals");
This is the HTML:
<asp:ListBox ID="lstBoxTo" runat="server" SelectionMode="Multiple"
data-placeholder="Choose recipient(s)…" multiple="true" class="chosen-select">
For any with this problem...I went with a hidden field, asp:HiddenField, and adding all of the selections in a semicolon delimited string. I parsed the string in the code behind to determine the recipients that were groups and ones that were individuals. This was my final jquery script:
$(".chosen-select").chosen().change(function (evt) {
$(".chosen-select").find("option:selected").each(function () {
var label = $(this).closest('optgroup').prop('label');
var currentHdnValue = $("#hdnRecipientAttr").val();
if (label == "Individuals") {
var attrText = "Individuals-" + $(this).prop('value') + ";";
$("#hdnRecipientAttr").val(currentHdnValue + attrText);
else {
var attrText = "Group-" + $(this).prop('value') + ";";
$("#hdnRecipientAttr").val(currentHdnValue + attrText);
//remove ending semicolon
var hdnValue = $("#hdnRecipientAttr").val();
$("#hdnRecipientAttr").val(hdnValue.slice(0, -1));