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show full content in jquery mobile select box data-native-menu=“false”

How to show full content in jquery mobile? I used Select box:

<select data-native-menu="false">

<option>Sunday jnnj jnkn ikni nin iuniu niun uin iun in in io nono no no n oino  on i </option>

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  • First give your select an ID:

    <select data-native-menu="false" id="mySelect">...

    For data-native-menu="false", jQM creates either a popup or a dialog (depending on the length of the list and space available) to display the options. The ID of the created popup or dialog is the select ID plus "-listbox-popup" or plus "dialog".

    So you can add CSS that allows the text of the options to wrap:

    #mySelect-listbox-popup ul li a.ui-link-inherit, #mySelect-dialog ul li a.ui-link-inherit {
        white-space: normal;

    Updated FIDDLE