I am having trouble executing this block of code. The first base condition of this code(for searching a string in a list of strings) does not work. Thanks.
int string_check(list<string> l,list<string>::iterator it,string s)
if(it==l.end()) return 0;
if(*it==s) return 1;
You're passing the list by value, so l.end()
is the end of a different list each time, and never the one that it
came from.
Either pass the list by reference; or pass the end iterator rather than the list itself. That would be a more flexible solution, allowing you to decouple the function from a specific container type and support any range of input iterators:
template <typename InIter, typename T>
bool contains(InIter begin, InIter end, T const & value) {
if (begin == end) return false;
if (*begin == value) return true;
return contains(++begin, end, value);
Recursion is often a bad idea, as the stack is typically fairly small and causes horrible bugs if it overflows. Unless this is an exercise in implementing such a function, use iteration:
for (; begin != end; ++begin) {
if (*begin == value) return true;
return false;
or the standard library:
return std::find(begin, end, value) != end;